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发布日期:2009-11-04 浏览次数:


Those of you who grew up watching Astro Boy cartoons and want to keep alive the memory of those good old days just might find yourself disappointed with this. It`s the film version of Astro Boy and this time around it doesn`t help your nostalgia–it`s just another computer-animated film.


Inside and out, this film has the "Hollywood" brand all over it. Thanks to 3D technology, the Astro Boy character has never looked "fancier"–so fancy, in fact, that people keep wondering what happened to him. Now that he`s 13 years old in the film, the little hero`s put on a shirt and pants and has a different face. Perhaps the only thing that`s recognizable is his signature hairstyle.


The plot partly sticks to the original story but it also follows a typical Hollywood story line. It`s set in futuristic Metro City, where a brilliant scientist, Dr Tenma, creates a young robot (Astro Boy) with incredible powers after his son Toby dies in an accident. When he`s not able to replace the lost son, Astro Boy is abandoned. So he goes out in search of acceptance before returning to fight the evil President Stone and save Metro City.


Some other stereotypes make the film a bit clichéd: there`s individual heroism (but the hero is a robot), there`s a sharp contrast between good and evil, and there`s budding chemistry between Astro Boy and Cora, a member of a scientific group looking for robots.


Fortunately, the theme remains the same–the search for acceptance, finding a sense of being, and trying to tell humans that a robot is not just a bunch of metal but someone with emotion and humanity. This is supposed to remind Astro Boy fans of the true spirit of the boyish robot. However, when he says, "This is what I exist for," and decides to sacrifice himself by crashing into the evil robot, he`s more like a robotic superman or spider man whose mission is to "save the world".


Still, compared with other meaningless cartoons that only aim to amuse kids, Astro Boy has done a better job with its more mature value system. This kind of thing has repeatedly been seen in Disney or Pixar animations like Finding Nemo (2003) or The Incredibles (2004). It`s hard to find something fresh for people who were influenced by those films.


In addition to the all-star cast who dubbed the Chinese version, people may find several other Chinese elements in the film – that`s the result of Chinese investment on this film. Tenma`s unemotional love for Toby is a typical Chinese father-son relationship. And, Astro Boy`s friends on Earth, members of the scientific group, are from China. Trashcan, the robotic dog, writes in Chinese, trying to tell its master what Astro Boy really is.


The film also uses popular online language among Chinese to try to attract an audience here. For example, "Don`t be obsessed with bro. Me, I`m just a legend." However, this might be unnecessary and might look farfetched in a story that had no strong Chinese background originally.


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