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实用英语旗舰、小语种领头羊       Languages Will Enlighten Your Life   我要报名
  越秀:烈士陵园校部 开课计划
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winter & Summer School
发布日期:2009-12-13 浏览次数:

Mr. Banner called the class to order then, and I turned with relief to
listen. I was in disbelief that I'd just explained my dreary life to this
bizarre, beautiful boy who may or may not despise me. He'd seemed
engrossed in our conversation, but now I could see, from the corner of my
eye, that he was leaning away from me again, his hands gripping the edge
of the table with unmistakable tension.

I tried to appear attentive as Mr. Banner illustrated, with
transparencies on the overhead projector, what I had seen without
difficulty through the microscope. But my thoughts were unmanageable.

When the bell finally rang, Edward rushed as swiftly and as gracefully
from the room as he had last Monday. And, like last Monday, I stared
after him in amazement.

Mike skipped quickly to my side and picked up my books for me. I imagined
him with a wagging tail.

"That was awful," he groaned. "They all looked exactly the same. You're
lucky you had Cullen for a partner."

"I didn't have any trouble with it," I said, stung by his assumption. I
regretted the snub instantly. "I've done the lab before, though," I added
before he could get his feelings hurt.

"Cullen seemed friendly enough today," he commented as we shrugged into
our raincoats. He didn't seem pleased about it.

I tried to sound indifferent. "I wonder what was with him last Monday."

I couldn't concentrate on Mike's chatter as we walked to Gym, and RE.
didn't do much to hold my attention, either. Mike was on my team today.
He chivalrously covered my position as well as his own, so my
woolgathering was only interrupted when it was my turn to serve; my team
ducked warily out of the way every time I was up.

The rain was just a mist as I walked to the parking lot, but I was
happier when I was in the dry cab. I got the heater running, for once not
caring about the mind-numbing roar of the engine. I unzipped my jacket,
put the hood down, and fluffed my damp hair out so the heater could dry
it on the way home.

I looked around me to make sure it was clear. That's when I noticed the
still, white figure. Edward Cullen was leaning against the front door of
the Volvo, three cars down from me, and staring intently in my direction.
I swiftly looked away and threw the truck into reverse, almost hitting a
rusty Toyota Corolla in my haste. Lucky for the Toyota, I stomped on the
brake in time. It was just the sort of car that my truck would make scrap
metal of. I took a deep breath, still looking out the other side of my
car, and cautiously pulled out again, with greater success. I stared
straight ahead as I passed the Volvo, but from a peripheral peek, I would
swear I saw him laughing.




















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