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作者:广州津桥外语培训中心 来源:广州津桥外语培训中心 发布日期:2011-09-08 浏览次数:

  8th annual QS WorldUniversity Rankings®reveals top 300 universities based on six indicators including surveys of over 33,000 global academics and 16,000 graduateemployers, the  largest of their kindever conducted
  New in 2011:  Results published alongside comparativeinternational tuition fee now live on www.topuniversities.com
  Global:  University of Cambridgeretains number one spot ahead of Harvard, while MIT jumps to third ahead ofYale and Oxford; 38 countries in top 300
  Government and private fundingfor technology-focussed research is eroding the dominance of traditionalcomprehensive universities. The average age of the top 100 institutions hasdropped by seven years since 2010, reflecting the emergence of newer specialistinstitutions particularly in Asia
  US/Canada: US takes 13 of top 20 and 70 of top 300 places; McGill (17) andToronto (23) both up, but 14 of 19 Canadian universities rank lower than 2010
  美国 / 加拿大:美国有13所大学排名世界前20位,有70所大学排名世界前300位;麦吉尔大学(17)和多伦多大学(23)排名上升,但是19所加拿大大学中的14所相比于2010年排名下降。
  UK/Ireland: Oxford (5) and Imperial (6) leapfrog UCL (7), as four UKuniversities make the top 10; TCD (65) and UCD (134) both drop
  英国 / 爱尔兰:牛津(5)和帝国理工(6)超过伦敦学院大学(7),4所英国大学排名世界前10位;都柏林三一学院(65)和都柏林大学(134)排名下滑。
  Continental Europe: ETH Zurich (18) leads ENS Paris (33), EPFL (35) andParisTech (36); no German university in top 50 despite ExcellenceInitiative
  Asia: HKU (22) leads Tokyo (25), NUS (28) and Kyoto (32); India:IITB drops out of top 200; China: Tsinghua (47) joins Peking (46) in top50
  Australia: Gap between ANU (26) and Melbourne (31) closes from 18 to five,ahead of Sydney (38); G8 all make top 100
  Middle East: King Saud University (200) makes top 200 for first time; six MEuniversities in top 300
  Latin America: USP (169) makes top 200 for first time; five universities in top300 (Brazil, Chile and Argentina)
  Ben Sowter, QShead of research: “The gap between Cambridge and Harvard is very small, butCambridge’s superior student/faculty ratio helped tip the balance. Individualattention is one of the key attractions of the Oxbridge tutorial system.”
  NunzioQuacquarelli, QS managing director: “Since students are generally being chargedmore than ever before for their education, QS is publishing for the first timeever comparative course fees of ranked universities. QS  is also unique in taking into account theviews of graduate employers as a key indicator of universities’ excellence andreputation. Graduates employability is an essential mission of world-classuniversities and QS rankings includes the informed opinion of global recruiters”.
  QS总经理Nunzio Quacquarelli表示:“因为学生通常在接受教育之前就要支付很多费用,因此QS第一次发布了排名大学的课程费用。QS同时将毕业生雇员纳入考虑范围,作为衡量大学优秀程度和声誉的一个重要指标。毕业生成功就业是世界级大学的核心使命,QS排名则涵盖了全球知名雇主的意见。”

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