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发布日期:2009-03-11 浏览次数:

A BABY-FACED 13-year-old British schoolboy Alfie Patten has fathered a child with his 15-year-old girlfriend Chantelle Steadman, making him one of the youngest parents ever in Britain.


The teenage couple are now looking after baby Maisie at Chantelle's home.


Describing his first night acting as a 13-year-old father, Alfie said: "It was easier than I thought. I know I'm young, but I plan to be a good dad. I think we'll be good parents."


Chantelle admitted their first night out of hospital had been tough. She said: "Alfie made the first bottle and then we took it in turns feeding her. We didn't need any help from mum."


She also said:"We don't want to get a flat because we wouldn't have enough money and I want us both to stay in school to make the best future for Maisie. We will prove to everyone that we can be, and give her a great future."


However, when asked what he will do financially, Alfie--whose voice has not yet broken--replies: 'What's "financially"?' The baby-faced boy, who looks about eight and doesn't know the price of nappies. "I didn't think about how we could afford it. I don't really get pocket money. My dad sometimes gives me $10. "


The case of the 13-year-old who has fathered a baby highlights a worrying trend of "children having children".


DCSF's Secretary Ed Balls said it was an "awful" and "unusual" case.

儿童、学校和家庭部(Department for Children, Schools and Families, DCSF)的大臣埃德·鲍尔斯表示,这是令人感到害怕的事,并说这是一起“不寻常”的案例。

"I want those kids to be safe and also the young child as well, and I want us to do everything we can as a society to make sure we keep teenage pregnancies coming down," he said.


The Tory leader David Cameron said: "It is really worrying in our country today you've got children having children--and obviously we all hope that these very, very young children will grow up and be good parents, but frankly parenthood isn't something they should be thinking about. That's what's gone wrong and we've got to put it right."


The teenagers, both from Eastbourne, had kept the pregnancy secret until Chantelle's mother Penny noticed her daughter was getting bigger.


Chantelle had her baby in Eastbourne District General Hospital, and is now home with her family.


Sussex Police said no action would be taken with it "not in anyone's interests" to prosecute.


East Sussex County Council said the teenage parents will be supported with intensive monitoring and health visitor support.


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