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winter & Summer School
发布日期:2010-03-31 浏览次数:

We always loved art. Very early on in our marriage we used to go out to Chicago every summer for a week to work. We would go to the same gallery and buy a print by an artist that Evelyn had admired. So essentially if someone were to ask me about our marriage, I would say we grew up together, and if you were to ask me about art, I would say we discovered art and artists together in the same way we discovered the world together.



We may sometimes not buy together, but we love together. Sometimes things come home and Evelyn says, 'I don't like that.' And it goes away. I may buy things without her, but I don't keep things without her. There are two different verbs. To buy and to keep.



But Evelyn is about much more than just her love for books and art or her work at Estée Lauder. I'm thrilled and proud of her work on breast cancer, too. In a city where there is always someone trying to recruit you for something, the day doesn't go by that the phone doesn't ring: 'Can we have lunch with you?' 'Can you come to this event?' Here is a situation where it was virgin territory. No one was doing anything about it. And it was Evelyn who said, 'I'm going to work on this on so many levels.' Whether it's about our joint projects or our separate worlds, when we are driving to the country or when we are at home, there is always a conversation when we are together.



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