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winter & Summer School
发布日期:2010-03-31 浏览次数:

There isn't a picture in the house that we're not emotionally attached to. For my birthday one summer, Leonard bought me a painting by Roy Lichtenstein from that Japanese period that I'm crazy about. Another year, he asked what I'd like. I said, 'I would like to have you for one day.' I asked for a trip to Washington, where the National Gallery had just built the East Wing. That was my present.

我们对这间房子里的每一幅画都倾注了情感。有一年夏天我的生日,伦纳德给我买下了一幅我疯狂迷恋的日本时代的罗伊奇特斯坦(Roy Lichtenstein)的画作。还有一年,他问我想要什么。我说,我想拥有你一整天。我要求去华盛顿,当时国家美术馆(National Gallery)刚刚建好了东馆。那就是我的生日礼物。


Leonard on Evelyn

My mother, Estée, never had a partner. My father was a great husband, but my mother, she always tried to be the force in the marriage. Seeing her with my father was not necessarily a preparation for anything other than 'I'm not going to let that happen to me.' In our case, we have a great partnership. My advice to couples who are thinking of working together would be: If you have a temper, don't. If you are uptight with each other, don't do it. If you are easy together, if you laugh easily, and you can kid, get one another off a tree-if all those three things work out OK, then try it. It could be a lot of fun.


我的母亲艾丝蒂(Estee) 从没有过搭档。我的父亲是个很棒的丈夫,不过我的母亲总是努力成为婚姻中强势的一方。看到她和我父亲在一起让我除了想到我不会让这种事情发生在我身上以外,没有什么其它的启发了。而对于我和伊夫林来说,我们两个是非常好的搭档。我给那些考虑在一起工作的夫妻提供的建议是:如果你爱发脾气,那么不要在一起工作;如果你对自己的爱人感到焦躁不安,那么不要一起工作;如果你们在一起很融洽,如果你爱笑,如果你能开玩笑──如果这三件事你们都能做到,那么就尝试一起工作吧,这会很有意思。


At work, we each have our own lives. She watches over the fragrance end-it's a major part of our business, and there she reigns supreme. Even though she oversees it as an individual, all the names we have on the fragrances relate to us as a couple: Sensuous. Intuition. Beautiful. Pleasures. All those names are names that have sprung, in truth, from our relationship. We did, on occasion, collaborate: I'd walk by her office and she'd say, 'Come on in here,' and there would be an arm with three or four little marks on it and she'd say, 'Sniff this,' and whatever I'd sniff was terrific. I'd leave. And you'd have just seen the CEO in action.

在工作中,我们各自有各自的事业。她主管香水业务,这是我们业务的一大部分,而且她干得也非常出色。尽管是她个人在主管这项业务,但我们香水的所有名字都和我们的夫妻角色有关系:比如感性(Sensuous)、我心深处(Intuition)、美丽 (Beautiful)、欢沁(Pleasures)。实际上,所有这些名字都来源于我们之间的爱情。有些时候,我们确实会一起合作:我在路过她的办公室的时候,伊夫林会叫住我说,过来一下,然后在胳膊上涂上三、四种香水,她会说,闻一闻这个,我闻到的无论哪一种香水都很棒。然后我就走开了。而这个场面就是我这个首席执行长在工作。


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