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winter & Summer School
葡萄牙1.4万圣诞老人游行 创新纪录
作者: 来源:考试吧 发布日期:2009-03-30 浏览次数:

More than 14,000 people dressed as Santa Clauses paraded in Portugal's city of Porto on Sunday to try to set a new world record for the largest gathering of Santas and raise money for charity.

  Despite cold weather and drizzling rain, the crowd in red-and-white hats and jackets, including scores of women and children with fake white beards, strolled through the city streets singing songs and dancing in the annual parade that started in the afternoon and continued after dark.

  "It's not just a gathering of people at the time of the year when people normally get together, but it is also a social event to bring the warmth of Christmas to those who don't always have it," Vitor Ferreira, one of the organizers of the event, told reporters.

  Every Santa, or Pai Natal (Father Christmas) as he is known in Portugal, who took part in the parade donated 1 euro to buy presents for the needy children in Porto, Portugal's second-largest city, Ferreira said.

  He said 17,400 people had signed up to take part, although bad weather prevented some from parading. Still, over 14,200 showed up in the end, which organisers claimed to be record, according to RTP national television channel.

  According to the Guinness World Records web site (http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com), the previous world record for the largest gathering of Santas was set last year in Derry City, Northern Ireland, where a total of 12,965 people took part dressed up as Santa or Santa's helpers.

上周日,一万四千多人装扮成 “圣诞老人”参加在葡萄牙波尔图市举行的大游行,此次活动旨在创造规模最大的圣诞老人集会的世界纪录,另一个目的则是为慈善募款。



  费雷拉称,参与此次游行的每位“圣诞老人(葡语中被称为Pai Natal)”都捐款1欧元,为波尔图的贫困儿童购买圣诞礼物。波尔图为葡萄牙第二大城市。




  needy:being in need; impoverished(贫穷的;贫困的)

关键词:葡萄牙语培训 广州葡萄牙语培训 葡萄牙语学习
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